Table Tiers

The Artisan Worktables crafting tables come in three different flavors: Worktables, Workstations, and Workshops.

Tier Grid Tools Fluid Capacity Secondary
Worktable 3x3 1 4,000mb 0
Workstation 3x3 2 8,000mb 9
Workshop 5x5 3 16,000mb 9

Recipe Tiers

Recipes that don't exceed any of a tier's limitations can be crafted in that tier. For example, a recipe that uses a 3x3 grid pattern and one tool can be crafted in any of the three tiers, while a recipe that uses a 4x4 grid and two tools will only be craftable in a tier three table.

If you want to restrict a recipe from being crafted in a lower tier table, you can use the following method when constructing a recipe:

RecipeBuilder setMinimumTier(int minimumTier);

Conversely, if you want to restrict a recipe from being crafted in a higher tier table, you can use the following method:

RecipeBuilder setMaximumTier(int maximumTier);

Accepted values for minimumTier and maximumTier are:

Tier Tier Id
Worktable 0
Workstation 1
Workshop 2


In the following recipe, even though the table doesn't exceed the limitations of any of the three tiers, it can only be crafted in a Workshop tier table:

import mods.artisanworktables.builder.RecipeBuilder;


Alternately, the following recipe can only be crafted in a Worktable tier table:

import mods.artisanworktables.builder.RecipeBuilder;
